Farmer, W. (Accepted/In Press). Scoring the Transmedial Franchise: Music in How to Train Your Dragon’s non-AAA Video Games. In R. Anatone, & A. Powell (Eds,), Convergence & Divergence in Media Music.
Farmer, W., & Summers, T. (Accepted/In press). Television, Musical Register, and the Franchise: Continuity and Change. In J. Deaville, J. Getman, B. McCorkle Okazaki, & R. Rodman (Eds.), Oxford Handbook to Music and Television.
Farmer, W. (2024). Review: Authenticity in the Music of Video Games, by Stephanie Lind. Journal of Sound and Music in Games, 5(2), 116-120.
Farmer, W., & Summers, T. (2024). Towards a Transformational Theory of Music in the Franchise KEYNOTE (2024). Sound on Screen III, Oxford.
Farmer, W., & Summers, T. (2023). Towards a Transformational Theory of Music in the Multimedia Franchise. Sound on Screen II, Oxford.
Summers, T., Cook, J., Farmer, W., Ferrè, E. R., Harrison, L., Hemming, R., Ivanescu, A., Reed, L., Roberts, F., Stevens, R., Tatlow, S., & Whittaker, L. (2021). Music and Sound in Virtual/Augmented Realities: Questions, Challenges and Approaches: A Multidisciplinary Roundtable. Journal of Sound and Music in Games, 2(2), 63-83.